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20 May 2024: Legal Overview on Tapera (Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat), the "Citizen's Saving for Housing"

On 20 May 2024, Indonesia promulgated the Government Regulation Number 21 Year 2024 on the Amendment of Government Regulation Number 25 Year 2020 on the Implementation of Citizen's Saving for Housing (Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 21 Tahun 2024 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 25 Tahun 2020 tentang Penyelenggaraan Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat) , commonly called as the " Tapera " . Referring to its definition, in principle, Tapera is a saving, conducted periodically by the "Participant", that can be utilized only for financing the housing and/or can be returned along with its yield resulted after the one's participation is ended. As stipulated in Article 15 of the Tapera regulation, the "Saving" rate has been set at 3% (three percent) of the "Salary" or "Wage" towards the "Employee Participant" (0.5% by the Employer and 2.5% by the Employee), and of the "Income" towards the "Independent Worker...

How does Indonesian Company Law view over buy back, tag along - drag along right, and right of first refusal

Buy back /Share Repurchase

Based on Indonesian Company Law, Buyback (Share repurchase) is only allowed for Company to buyback any issued shares from the shareholder. Buyback shares shall not reduce the company capital.
Buyback shares can be performed if the result of the buyback shares does not infringe the following conditions:

a.       The share repurchase does not cause the value of the Company's net assets to become less than the total issued capital plus the mandatory capital reserves retained; and

b.      the total nominal value of all shares repurchased by the Company and pledges of shares held by the Company and/or another Company which shares are directly or indirectly owned by the Company does not exceed 10% (ten percent) of the issued capital in the Company, unless otherwise stipulated in the laws and regulations governing the capital markets;

A direct or indirect share repurchase that in contrary with the above condition shall be void by law.

Shares repurchased by the Company may be under the control of the Company for 3 (three) years at the most.  Company shall sell the buyback shares to other party or withdrawn by reducing the capital.

The buyback shares can not be used to cast votes in the General Meeting of Shareholders and receive the dividend.

Any shareholder has the right to request the Company to purchase the shareholders’ shares at reasonable price if such shareholder disapproves the Company’s actions which incur losses to the shareholders of the Company, in the form of:

a.       amendments to the articles of association;
b.      a transfer or pledge of the Company’s assets with a value exceeding 50% (fifty percent) of the Company’s net assets; or
c.       a merger, consolidation, or acquisition of the Company.

Tag long Right dan Drag Along Right

Indonesian Company Law does not stipulate tag along right and drag along right.
In practice, tag along right and drag along right may be used for shares transfer. These rights usually are agreed by the shareholders in the shareholder agreement.
Right of First Refusal

Right of first refusal is allowed to be applied based on Indonesian Company Law. This right of first refusal can be stipulated in the article of association of the Company.

If any shareholder intends to sell their shares to any party, the selling shareholder shall offer the other shareholder for the first time in 30 (thirty) days prior offering date.

The selling shareholder may sell its shares to the third party,  if the other shareholders do not buy the offered shares from the selling shareholder in 30 days prior offering date.

Consent to transfer

Based on Indonesian Company Law, the article of association of the Company may set forth the provisions concerning the consent from the following parties as one of share transfer requirements:

a.       general meeting shareholder, board of directors, and board of commissioners; and
b.      the competent authorities in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.  

Absolute Ban

Indonesian Company Law  prohibit the Company for issuing shares to be owned by itself or to be owned by another company whose shares are directly or indirectly owned by the Company.

This provision regarding prohibition on share ownership shall not be applicable to share ownership obtained from assignment by law, grant, or testament. Shares obtained based on the provision should be assigned to another party that is not prohibited to own Company shares within 1 (one) year after the date of their acquisition.

With respect to shares transfer of the Company, foreign investor shall not or invest with limitation into some Indonesian company. Indonesian Government has stipulated the limitation for some foreign investor in List of Negative Investment.

For specific industry, there is some restriction for some party to own shares in the Company governed by the Government, such as the shareholder of insurance company shall pass the fit and proper test organized by Financial Service Authority.